News – Finncon 2013 Suomen suurin science fiction- ja fantasiatapahtuma | Helsinki, Kaapelitehdas, 5.–7.7.2013 Sun, 07 Jul 2013 15:05:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Finncon 2013 is over! Hooray for Finncon 2014! Sun, 07 Jul 2013 14:59:34 +0000 Finncon 2013 is over. Thank you all for making it an unforgettable experience! We’ll post more info and links on the evening or tomorrow, but: Thank you all! It was a wonderful con. See you next year in Jyväskylä!

Over and out – Your friendly comm team and the rest of the connittee

Finncon 2013 is over. Thank you all for making it an unforgettable experience! We’ll post more info and links on the evening or tomorrow, but: Thank you all! It was a wonderful con. See you next year in Jyväskylä!

Over and out – Your friendly comm team and the rest of the connittee

Hall cosplay awards! Sun, 07 Jul 2013 13:34:25 +0000 During the Finncon closing ceremonies awards were given out to the most impressive hall cosplay costumes of the con. A lot of people had turned up in wonderful costumes, so the panel had a difficult choice to make. In the end, the following three costumes were given awards:

  1.  Zelda / Kia Selonen
  2. Harley Quinn [...]]]> During the Finncon closing ceremonies awards were given out to the most impressive hall cosplay costumes of the con. A lot of people had turned up in wonderful costumes, so the panel had a difficult choice to make. In the end, the following three costumes were given awards:

    1.  Zelda / Kia Selonen
    2. Harley Quinn / Jenny Teerikangas
    3. Minbari / Mari Ruutinen

    In addition, three costumes received honorary mentions:

    • Princess Merida / Tiia Kiljunen
    • Lightning / Roope Rimpiläinen
    • Erza Scarlet / Jenny Uotila

    The winners will receive a trophy and a t-shirt, while the honorary mentions will be given chocolate in addition to fame and glory!

    See the costume pics on Flickr!

    Pictures from Saturday’s cos photo session available! Sun, 07 Jul 2013 07:20:18 +0000 Pictures from Saturday’s cos photo session are available in:

    …and do not forget Finncon’s official picture stream:

    Pictures from Saturday’s cos photo session are available in:

    …and do not forget Finncon’s official picture stream:

    New stuff! Yay! Sat, 06 Jul 2013 10:13:54 +0000 FC2013_Iron_Sky_promo

    There’s new stuff on the movie front at Finncon — indie films start at Käämi at 3pm!

    • 3 to 5.00 pm : Star Wreck 2π: Full [...]]]> FC2013_Iron_Sky_promo

      There’s new stuff on the movie front at Finncon — indie films start at Käämi at 3pm!

      ]]> Finncon in pictures Fri, 05 Jul 2013 12:20:51 +0000 First pictures of Finncon 2013 are now at — there’s more to come, so stay tuned!

      Photographs by Henry Söderlund.

      First pictures of Finncon 2013 are now at — there’s more to come, so stay tuned!

      Photographs by Henry Söderlund.

      Program pages are now open! Wed, 26 Jun 2013 11:12:30 +0000 Finncon 2013’s program pages are now open!

      The program chart can be found in Finncon’s program pages.

      With mobile phones and tablets, the program is easiest to read on Finncon’s mobile pages.

      Finncon 2013’s program pages are now open!

      The program chart can be found in Finncon’s program pages.

      With mobile phones and tablets, the program is easiest to read on Finncon’s mobile pages.

      Still room at the con hotel Sun, 16 Jun 2013 20:27:43 +0000 Are you considering where to stay during Finncon? The official con hotel is a great option, and there are still rooms left for only 79 e per room! Read more on the accommodation page.

      Are you considering where to stay during Finncon? The official con hotel is a great option, and there are still rooms left for only 79 e per room! Read more on the accommodation page.

      There’s art to be had! Wed, 05 Jun 2013 12:57:13 +0000 One important focus in Finncon 2013 will be on art, music and other forms of speculative media in addition to literature. In addition to various speeches and presentations there will be both an exhibition and a more informal “art alley”. The art exhibition collects works from four artists in the gallery of Kaapelitehdas, and One important focus in Finncon 2013 will be on art, music and other forms of speculative media in addition to literature. In addition to various speeches and presentations there will be both an exhibition and a more informal “art alley”. The art exhibition collects works from four artists in the gallery of Kaapelitehdas, and the art alley provides opportunities to see lots of new stuff and meet the makers. Note that there are still a few spots open for artists at the alley!

      Gophers wanted! Tue, 14 May 2013 10:25:11 +0000 Finncon 2013 is looking for gophers to the (work)force!

      An event such as Finncon would not be possible without dozens of eager volunteers. The tasks include sales, guiding, carrying things, working as a programme room gopher and other miscellaneous jobs. No prior experience needed!

      More information

      Finncon 2013 is looking for gophers to the (work)force!

      An event such as Finncon would not be possible without dozens of eager volunteers. The tasks include sales, guiding, carrying things, working as a programme room gopher and other miscellaneous jobs. No prior experience needed!

      More information

      Short story competition gets 74 entries Sat, 20 Apr 2013 09:10:48 +0000 Finncon 2013’s short story competition succeeds beyond expectations: a week after the deadline, we have received 74 entries. Now it is time for the jury to  commence to evaluate the stories – the final inners will be announced in Finncon 2013. We expect some immensely enjoyable reading experiences. Thanks to all the participants!

      (If there [...]]]> Finncon 2013’s short story competition succeeds beyond expectations: a week after the deadline, we have received 74 entries. Now it is time for the jury to  commence to evaluate the stories – the final inners will be announced in Finncon 2013. We expect some immensely enjoyable reading experiences. Thanks to all the participants!

      (If there are any stories undelivered by the post office at this point, they will naturally be accepted as long as they  have been sent by the deadline, 15.4.)
