Uncategorized – Finncon 2013 http://2013.finncon.org/en/ Suomen suurin science fiction- ja fantasiatapahtuma | Helsinki, Kaapelitehdas, 5.–7.7.2013 Mon, 05 Aug 2013 10:43:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2 Con was pretty much a success! http://2013.finncon.org/en/2013/07/con-was-pretty-much-a-success/ Thu, 11 Jul 2013 13:02:26 +0000 http://2013.finncon.org/?p=861 It’s Monday evening, and Kaapelitehdas is returning to its normal daily rhythms. Finncon 2013 has been dismantled, and us organizers at least are tired but happy – from our point of view, it was a wonderful con, and we’d like to thank you all for being part of it!


We reached our goal in number of visitors quite nicely: there were a total of 10 595 attendees at program items, corresponding with 7 000 visitors.  The atmosphere on site was relaxed and summery. The inner yard quickly turned into part of the con area, with spontaneous program and strawberries included.  Despite the sunny weather even the basement rooms still had plenty of participants for program items.

You can find pictures from Finncon in e.g. Sanna Pudas’ costume photo set and Henry Söderlund’s FC tumblr.

Next year we will meet in Jyväskylä! For the time being, the symptoms of Finncon withdrawal can be managed by reading e.g.

We would love to link up other con reports as well – please toss us a mail at  tiedotus@2013.finncon.org. For lost and found, you can contact info@2013.finncon.org.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to extend warm thanks to all our sponsors and supporters.


Filks http://2013.finncon.org/en/2013/07/filks/ Thu, 11 Jul 2013 11:22:48 +0000 http://2013.finncon.org/?p=898 The Guests of Honor got presented with the traditional filk songs at the Saturday party.

Peter Watts: Starfish

tune: Yellow submarine

Not the life that we all know,
to different world we will embark.
And the key to all this change
it’s a woman, named Leanie Clarke

So we [...]]]> The Guests of Honor got presented with the traditional filk songs at the Saturday party.

Peter Watts: Starfish

tune: Yellow submarine

Not the life that we all know,
to different world we will embark.
And the key to all this change
it’s a woman, named Leanie Clarke

So we dive down to the Rift
many thousand miles beneath the sea
And we live beneath the waves
In the station we call Beebe.

We all live in abyss beneath the sea,
abyss beneath the sea, abyss beneath the sea
We all live in abyss beneath the sea,
abyss beneath the sea, abyss beneath the sea

Our colleagues are all such bores
Although some of them now live outdoors
All of us are quite insane… (horn section)

We all live in abyss beneath the sea,
abyss beneath the sea, abyss beneath the sea
We all live in abyss beneath the sea,
abyss beneath the sea, abyss beneath the sea

As we live right on the Throat
In the darkness where fishes glow
Bulkhead grinds and Rift blows steam
In our paradise beneath the sea

We all live in abyss beneath the sea,
abyss beneath the sea, abyss beneath the sea
We all live in abyss beneath the sea,
abyss beneath the sea, abyss beneath the sea

Aliette de Bodard

tune: Alouette

Aliette, gentille Aliette,
Aliette, tout le monde vous aime,
Aliette, gentille Aliette,
Aliette, tout le monde vous aime!
Vous enchantez le coeur,
Vous enchantez la tete.
Et le coeur, et la tete,
Aliette, Aliette.
Aliette, gentille Aliette,
Aliette, tout le monde vous aime!

Aliette, charming Aliette,
Aliette, you give birth to worlds.
Aliette, charming Aliette,
Aliette, you give birth to worlds.
Jaguar and butterfly,
living spaceships with a Mind,
worlds that we can’t forget,
Aliette, Aliette.
Aliette, charming Aliette,
Aliette, you give birth to worlds!

Kielien taituri – J. Pekka Mäkelälle

sävel: C.M.Bellman, Nu skrufva fiolen, Fredmanin Epistola nr 2

Nyt soittaja kitaras kieliä kiristä!
Tunnet soittimen, itse teit kai sen,
ja musiikki on tuttu.
Siis kaikilla kielilläs mieliä piristä!
Tunnet sävelen, taidat kielen sen
ja aina luistaa juttu.
Valmiina, lukijat! tien näytät avaruuteen
taas sukeltaa me saamme kirjaan uuteen.
On kieliltä käännetty pitkän pitkä lista,
näin nauttia saa fandom suomennoksista.

En vastustaa voi tätä ihmeen tuntua,
tähtihuntua kun saan katsella
tai tehdä aikamatkan!
Sun kielesi kumpuaa jostakin syvältä
sydämessä se tuntuu hyvältä,
siks lukemista jatkan.
Kun metsä leviää yl’ moottoriteiden,
ja siivottu on jäljet sankareiden,
on aika taas palata meren planeetalle.
Ja aika laulaa filkki on JiiPekalle!

Stefan Ekman: Opposing forces

tune: Mamma Mia!

I’ve read fantasy books since I don’t know when
getting into their worlds time and time again
Sometimes it feels they’re not credible,
all these ordeals, but the world itself makes no sense
It is all just a big pretense.
Give me realistic worlds with two sides
Not just good or bad but let me decide, w-o-o-o-oh

Opposing forces, urban fantasies
My my, how can I resist you?
Opposing forces, in best fantasies
My my, just how much I miss you!
Yes, I’ve read crappy fiction
Where there is no conviction
Why, why are there no more things unseen?
Opposing forces, in best fantasies,
Oh oh, help me shape realities.

Published with permission of the Filkkifriikit

Coffee klatsches at the con! http://2013.finncon.org/en/2013/07/715/ Sat, 06 Jul 2013 08:39:09 +0000 http://2013.finncon.org/?p=715 Now is a good time to sign up for the coffee klatsches at the con! A klatsch provides the opportunity for an informal chat and and a cup of coffee or tea with our wonderful writer guests!  The klatsches will be held on the Merikaapelihalli loft, next to the fandom lounge, at the following times:

Now is a good time to sign up for the coffee klatsches at the con! A klatsch provides the opportunity for an informal chat and and a cup of coffee or tea with our wonderful writer guests!  The klatsches will be held on the Merikaapelihalli loft, next to the fandom lounge, at the following times:

  • J. Pekka Mäkelä: Saturday, 1 to 2 pm
  • Mats Strandberg & Sara B. Elfgren: Saturday, 4 to 5 pm
  • Aliette de Bodard: Saturday, 5 to 6 pm
  • Peter Watts: Sunday, 11 am to noon

You can sign up for the klatsches now at the info desk – there are still several places left for each klatsch!

Signings will also start today at 1 pm, in Merikaapelihalli:

  • Peter Watts: Saturday, 1 to 1.30 pm
  • J. Pekka Mäkelä: Saturday, 2 to 2.30 pm
  • Sara B. Elfgren and Mats Strandberg: Saturday, 5 to 5.30 pm
  • Aliette de Bodard: Sunday, noon to 12.30 pm
St.Urho’s on Thursday from 6pm onwards http://2013.finncon.org/en/2013/07/st-urhos-today-from-6pm-onwards/ Thu, 04 Jul 2013 09:32:33 +0000 http://2013.finncon.org/?p=723 Want to meet SF people today, before the con starts? Come to the SF Mafia in St. Urho’s (Museokatu 10, near the parliament building) for an informal evening out with people! People will quite likely start gathering in St. Urho’s around 18:00, with the place in full swing for the evening.

Want to meet SF people today, before the con starts? Come to the SF Mafia in St. Urho’s (Museokatu 10, near the parliament building) for an informal evening out with people! People will quite likely start gathering in St. Urho’s around 18:00, with the place in full swing for the evening.

Supporting Memberships Open! http://2013.finncon.org/en/2013/03/supporting-memberships-open/ Thu, 21 Mar 2013 22:54:00 +0000 http://2013.finncon.org/?p=395 Do you want to support the largest and best SF convention of the year by becoming a supporting member? Finncon is and always will be a free event, but we are gladly to accept support in the form of supporting memberships from the philanthropists of the SF world.

More information on supporting [...]]]> Do you want to support the largest and best SF convention of the year by becoming a supporting member? Finncon is and always will be a free event, but we are gladly to accept support in the form of supporting memberships from the philanthropists of the SF world.

More information on supporting memberships


Art Alley Arrives! http://2013.finncon.org/en/2013/03/art-alley-arives/ Thu, 21 Mar 2013 22:36:30 +0000 http://2013.finncon.org/?p=387 The wishes of sf and fantasy artists are coming true: Finncon 2013 will have space for independent artists, who can come to exhibit their art in the art alley next to the marketplace in Merikaapelihalli.

More Information

The wishes of sf and fantasy artists are coming true: Finncon 2013 will have space for independent artists, who can come to exhibit their art in the art alley next to the marketplace in Merikaapelihalli.

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